Curriculum review and approval is a continuous process that takes place throughout the academic year.
2025/2026 Deadline:
February 1, 2025 - Proposals at Provost Office Workflow Step in CIM.
Proposals must be at this step in workflow no later than this deadline to be reviewed for approval and inclusion in the 2025/2026 Academic Catalog.
Any proposals submitted after this deadline will be adjusted to reflect an effective date of 2026/2027.
New Program Proposals
The addition of new academic degree programs is a two-step proposal process, requiring University level approval.
The purpose of the intent-to-submit proposal review and approval is to test the feasibility of the program prior to the formal proposal submission. The proposal provides sufficient information to permit the assessment of the program in terms of appropriateness, need, and quality of design. The proposal is developed to the point at which the institution has examined the long-term implications and is convinced that it should move forward with the new degree; however, the proposal is still receptive to modification.
Proposals are approved internally by the department, college, graduate school (when appropriate), and provost (SVPAA); who then notifies USNH of the institutions intent to develop the new program.
NOTE: Review and approval of the intent-to-submit proposal is completed outside of the CIM system.
Proposal Requirements
I. Cover Summary
- Describe in a few paragraphs what the proposal entails and why the institution believes it should create the new program.
II. General Information
- Institution
- Date of Proposal
- Degree and program name
- CIP code and title
- Proposed effective academic year
- Primary contact person
III. Program Design
- Provide a brief summary of the program design, including primary objectives and proposed curriculum outline.
- Identify all of the following that apply to the proposed program:
- Department offering
- On-campus program
- Off-campus location(s) (identify all)
- Partnerships with other institutions (specify)
- Online-only program
- Hybrid program
IV. Alignment with Mission
- State the appropriateness of the program to the mission and goals of the institution.
V. Program Demand/Current Offerings
- Evidence of student or employer demand (attach any applicable surveys)
- Are there similar programs at other USNH institutions? If yes, where?
- Are there similar programs at New Hampshire private institutions? If yes, where?
VI. Resources for Implementation
- Will implementation of this new degree require any new resources (faculty, staff, infrastructure etc.)?
- If so, clearly state the new resources required and provide the plan to attain. If not, explain how the new degree will be covered by existing resources.
1. Prepare Proposal Requirements
- Preview Program Proposal Form
- Undergraduate Program sample form
- Graduate Program sample form
- Prepare program proposal attachments:
- Approved Intent-to-Submit proposal for the new degree
- Letters of Support (UNH or external partners)
- Graphs, survey data, etc.
- Assessment Plan for the program
- Course Syllabi (for new required courses)
- Other attachments/supporting documentation as applicable
2. Complete Any Related Proposals in CIM
- Login to CIM Miscellaneous Management
- Submit any related proposals for:
- Subject Prefix requests
- Department requests
- Submit any related proposals for:
- Login to CIM Course Management
- Complete any proposals for new courses related to the new program proposal.
3. Complete Program Proposal in CIM
- Login to CIM Program Management
- Select 'Propose New Program'
- Start a proposal by completing the General Information section at top of form first and then select 'Save Changes' (at bottom of form).
- Then to continue filling out the form select 'Edit Program' and it is recommended to periodically 'Save Changes' as sections are completed on the form prior to submitting to workflow.
- After completing the form select 'Start Workflow' to submit proposal for approval.
- Login to CIM Program Management anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.
4. Workflow
The automated approval process in CIM is called the workflow. Once the green Start Workflow Button is clicked, the proposal will begin the approval workflow process. As reviewers in each step approve the proposal it will automatically move to the next step of the workflow and the next reviewer will be notified via an automated email that the proposal is ready for review. Users can log in to the CIM Program Management dashboard at any time to see where a proposal is in the workflow process.
Approval Workflow for New Degree Programs:
- Registrar Proposal Precheck
- Department Committee Approval (if applicable)
- Department Chair Approval
- College Curricular Committee Approval
- College Dean's Office Approval
- If Online Program (Graduate level): UNH Online Approval
- If Graduate Program:
- Graduate School Council Approval
- Graduate School Dean Approval
- If Undergraduate Program: University Undergraduate Education Committee (UUEC) Approval
- Provost Approval
- University President Approval
- USNH Board of Trustees Approval
- USNH Educational Excellence Committee Approval
- Notifications of Approval
- Registrar Approval (Processing)
Once a proposal has been fully reviewed and approved, the approved program will sync with the appropriate Academic Catalog at the time of the indicated effective academic year.
Proposals for new degree options, certificates, minors and cognates require University level approval.
Step 1: Prepare Proposal Requirements
- Preview Program Proposal Form
- Undergraduate Program sample form
- Graduate Program sample form
Step 2: Complete Any Related Proposals in CIM
- Login to CIM Miscellaneous Management
- Submit any related proposals for:
- Subject Prefix requests
- Department requests
- Submit any related proposals for:
- Login to CIM Course Management
- Complete any proposals for new courses related to the program proposal.
Step 3: Complete & Submit Program Proposal in CIM
- Login to CIM Program Management
- Select 'New Program Proposal'
- Start a proposal by completing the General Information section at top of form first and then select 'Save Changes' (at bottom of form).
- Then to continue filling out the form select 'Edit Program' and it is recommended to periodically 'Save Changes' as sections are completed on the form prior to submitting to workflow.
- After completing the form select 'Start Workflow' to submit proposal for approval.
- Login to the CIM Program Management Dashboard anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.
Step 4: Workflow
The automated approval process in CIM is called the workflow. Once the green Start Workflow Button is clicked, the proposal will begin the approval workflow process. As reviewers in each step approve the proposal it will automatically move to the next step of the workflow and the next reviewer will be notified via an automated email that the proposal is ready for review.
Approval workflow for new degree options, certificates, minors, and cognates:
- Registrar Proposal Precheck Approval
- Department Committee Approval (if applicable)
- Department Chair Approval
- College Curricular Committee Approval
- College Dean Approval
- If Online Program (Graduate level): UNH Online Approval
- If Undergraduate Program: University Undergraduate Education Committee (UUEC) Approval
- If Graduate Program:
- Graduate School Council Approval
- Graduate School Dean Approval
- Provost Approval
- University President Approval
- USNH Board of Trustees Approval
- USNH Education Excellence Committee Approval
- Notifications of Approval
- Registrar Approval (Processing)
Once a proposal has been fully reviewed and approved, the approved program will sync with the appropriate Academic Catalog at the time of the indicated effective academic year.
Existing Programs
All degree programs at UNH are required to complete an Academic Program Review (APR) every 5 years. Every 10 years, the APR includes an external review.
The Academic Program Review (APR) is designed to guide the self-assessment and development of academic programs on a continuous basis. The process supports the University’s commitment to providing comprehensive, high-quality academic programs, enabling a culture of continuous improvement, and adhering to the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) accreditation standards.
Because the Program Review process for undergraduate and graduate programs is slightly different, departments should submit reports separately.
Step 1: Prepare Review Requirements
Step 2: Submit Review Requirements in CIM
- Login to CIM Miscellaneous Management
- Select 'Propose New Miscellaneous'
- Request Type: Select 'Academic Program Review'
- Request Title: Enter in the following format, abbreviate name of program if necessary to accommodate a 30 character limit.
- [Abbreviated Name of Program] 'APR' or 'APR ext rev'
- Examples:
- English APR
- Russian APR ext rev
- Cybersecurity APR ext rev
- Complete Form
- Click 'Save Changes' to save/complete later or 'Start Workflow' to submit request for review and approval.
- Return to the CIM Miscellaneous Management Dashboard anytime to view request progress through workflow.
Step 3: Workflow
The automated approval process in CIM is called the workflow. Once the green Start Workflow Button is clicked, the proposal will begin the approval workflow process. As reviewers in each step approve the proposal it will automatically move to the next step of the workflow and the next reviewer in the workflow will be notified via an automated email that the APR is ready for their review.
Academic Program Review and Approval Workflow:
- If a graduate program, Graduate School Dean
- College Dean Approval
- Graduate School Dean Approval
- Provost Approval
- Educational, Excellence & Effectiveness notified of final approval to update APR schedule and centrally store APRs
- Request Initiator notified of final approval
Academic Program Review with external accreditation (every 10 years) Workflow:
Part 1 - Completed Academic Program Self Study Submitted
- If a graduate program, Graduate School Dean
- College Dean Approval
- Graduate School Dean Approval
- Request returns to Department Chair for Part 2.
Part 2 - "Proposed External Review Team" Submitted
- If a graduate program, Graduate School Dean
- College Dean Approval
- Graduate School Dean Approval
- Request returns to Department Chair for Part 3.
Part 3 - Completed External Review Submitted
- If a graduate program, Graduate School Dean
- College Dean Approval
- Graduate School Dean Approval
- Provost Approval
- Educational, Excellence & Effectiveness notified of final approval to update APR schedule and centrally store APRs
- Request Initiator notification of final approval
Accelerated Master's program designation (adding/removing) is a modification that requires University level approval.
Step 1: Prepare Proposal Requirements
- What are the requirements of the accelerated master's program?
- What courses are approved for dual credit?
- What are the applicable undergraduate programs?
Letters of Support may be attached to the proposal if necessary.
Step 2: Complete & Submit Proposal in CIM
- Login to CIM Program Management
- Select the applicable Graduate Program
- Click 'Edit Program'
- Complete Form - Fill out the Accelerated Master's Program Designation section to add/remove designation.
- Click 'Save Changes' to save/complete later or 'Start Workflow' to submit proposal for approval.
- Return to the CIM Program Management Dashboard anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.
Step 3: Workflow
The automated approval process in CIM is called the workflow. Once the green Start Workflow Button is clicked, the proposal will begin the approval workflow process. As reviewers in each step approve the proposal it will automatically move to the next step of the workflow and the next reviewer will be notified via an automated email that the proposal is ready for review.
Approval Workflow for Program Changes:
- Registrar Proposal Precheck
- Department Committee Approval (if applicable)
- Department Chair Approval
- College Curricular Committee Approval
- College Dean Approval
- Graduate School Council Approval
- Graduate School Dean Approval
- Provost Approval
- Notification of Approval
- Registrar (processing)
Once a proposal has been fully reviewed and approved, the approved program will sync with the appropriate Academic Catalog at the time of the indicated effective academic year.
Curricular modifications may be proposed once per academic year.
Modifications that require submitting a program proposal for approval include:
- Required or Elective Coursework (additions/deletions)
- Credits Required for Program
- Clinical Hours, Study Abroad, Internship Requirements
- Course sequencing/pre or co-requisite changes
- GPA or Grade requirements
- CIP code changes
- Degree Plans
- Student Learning Outcomes
- Accelerated Master's Designation and Requirements
- Delivery Method changes (Online, Hybrid, On Campus/In-Person)
- Other structural changes to the program (E.g. Departmental reorganizations)
Proposed curricular modifications originate in the department/program.
Step 1: Prepare Proposal Requirements
- Rationale statement for modification: (proposal attachment)
-Why is the request being made?
-What are the perceived benefits (to students, faculty, institution) of the change?
-What are the potential costs of the change?
-What is the evidence to support the change?
-Include statement noting that currently matriculated students will be allowed to follow the catalog of the year they matriculated or follow the proposed changes.
-Include a description of how the faculty voted and the vote count. - Course syllabi if applicable (proposal attachments)
- Letters of support if applicable (proposal attachments)
Step 2: Complete Any Related Proposals in CIM
- Login to CIM Miscellaneous Management
- Submit any related proposals for:
- Subject Prefix requests
- Department requests
- Submit any related proposals for:
- Login to CIM Course Management
- Complete any proposals for new courses related to the program proposal.
Step 3: Complete & Submit Program Proposal in CIM
- Login to CIM Program Management
- Search and Select Program
- Select 'Edit Program'
- Complete form
- Click 'Save Changes' to save/complete later or 'Start Workflow' to submit proposal for approval.
- Return to the CIM Program Management Dashboard anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.
Step 4: Workflow
The automated approval process in CIM is called the workflow. Once the green Start Workflow Button is clicked, a proposal will begin the approval workflow process. As reviewers in each step approve the proposal it will automatically move to the next step of the workflow and the next reviewer will be notified via an automated email that the proposal is ready for review.
Approval Workflow for Curriculum and Requirements Changes:
- Registrar Proposal Precheck
- Department Committee Approval (if applicable)
- Department Chair Approval
- College Curriculum Committee Approval
- College Dean Approval
- If Graduate Program:
- Graduate School Council Approval
- Graduate School Dean Approval
- If Undergraduate Program: University Undergraduate Education Committee (UUEC) Approval
- Provost Approval
- Notification of Approval
- Registrar (processing)
Once a proposal has been fully reviewed and approved, the approved program changes will automatically sync with the appropriate Academic Catalog at the time of the indicated effective academic year.
Program name changes are a modification that requires University level approval.
Step 1: Prepare Proposal Requirements
Rationale for request:
- Why is the request is being made?
- What are the perceived benefits (to students, faculty, institution) of the change?
- What are the potential costs of the change?
- What is the evidence to support the change (E.g. survey data, peer comparison data, etc.)?
Letters of Support may be attached to the CIM proposal if necessary.
Step 2: Complete Any Related Proposals in CIM
- Login to CIM Miscellaneous Management
- Submit any related proposals for:
- Subject Prefix requests to change name
- Department requests to change name
- Submit any related proposals for:
- Login to CIM Course Management
- Complete any proposals for new courses related to the program proposal.
Step 3: Complete & Submit Program Proposal in CIM
- Login to CIM Program Management
- Search and Select Program
- Click 'Edit Program'
- Complete Form
- Click 'Save Changes' to save/complete later or 'Start Workflow' to submit proposal for approval.
- Return to the CIM Program Management Dashboard anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.
Step 4: Workflow
The automated approval process in CIM is called the workflow. Once the green Start Workflow Button is clicked, the proposal will begin the approval workflow process. As reviewers in each step approve the proposal it will automatically move to the next step of the workflow and the next reviewer will be notified via an automated email that the proposal is ready for review.
Approval Workflow for Program Name Changes:
- Registrar Proposal Precheck
- Department Committee Approval (if applicable)
- Department Chair Approval
- College Curricular Committee Approval
- College Dean Approval
- If Graduate Program:
- Graduate School Council Approval
- Graduate School Dean Approval
- If Undergraduate Program: University Undergraduate Education Committee (UUEC) Approval
- Provost Approval
- University President Approval
- USNH Educational Excellence Committee Approval (Degree programs)
- USNH Board of Trustees Approval (Degree programs)
- Notification of Approval
- Registrar (processing)
Once a proposal has been fully reviewed and approved, the approved program will sync with the appropriate Academic Catalog at the time of the indicated effective academic year.
Admission pauses are a program modification that requires submitting a miscellaneous program request for approval.
Step 1: Prepare Proposal Requirements
Rationale for the request including:
- Why is admissions being paused for the program?
- What has changed to precipitate the request?
- What are the plans for currently enrolled students to complete the program?
- Will the pause be temporary or be followed up with a formal proposal for program closure?
- If temporary, how long is the pause anticipated to last?
Step 2: Complete & Submit Proposal in CIM
- Login to CIM Miscellaneous Management
- Select 'Propose New Miscellaneous'
- Select Request Type 'Pausing Program Admissions'
- Complete form
- Click 'Save Changes' to save/complete later or Click 'Start Workflow' to submit proposal for approval.
- Return to the CIM Miscellaneous Dashboard anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.
Step 3: Workflow
The automated approval process in CIM is called the workflow. Once the green Start Workflow Button is clicked, a proposal will begin the approval workflow process. As reviewers in each step approve the proposal it will automatically move to the next step of the workflow and the next reviewer will be notified via an automated email that the proposal is ready for review.
Approval Workflow for Pausing Program Admissions:
- Registrar Proposal Precheck
- College Dean Approval
- If Graduate Program: Graduate School Dean Approval
- Provost Approval
- Notifications of Approval
- Registrar Approval (processing)
Once a proposal has been fully reviewed and approved, a statement about the pause in admissions will be added in the appropriate Academic Catalog at the time of the indicated effective academic year.
Closure/Inactivation of a program may be initiated by program faculty, or school/college dean and require University level approval.
Step 1: Prepare Proposal Requirements
Rationale for the request including:
- What are the anticipated effects on student enrollments, existing programs, the relevant college, and any resource savings?
- What are the plans for communicating the closure to the university community, including currently enrolled students and the general public?
- What are the plans to allow currently enrolled students the opportunity to complete the program?
Step 2: Complete & Submit Proposal in CIM
- Login to CIM Program Management
- Search and Select Program
- Select 'Inactivate'
- Complete form
- Select 'Save and Start Workflow' to submit proposal for approval.
- Return to the CIM Program Management Dashboard anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.
Step 3: Workflow
The automated approval process in CIM is called the workflow. Once the green Start Workflow Button is clicked, a proposal will begin the approval workflow process. As reviewers in each step approve the proposal it will automatically move to the next step of the workflow and the next reviewer will be notified via an automated email that the proposal is ready for review.
Approval Workflow for Program Closure/Inactivation:
- Registrar Proposal Precheck
- College Dean Approval
- If Graduate program: Graduate School Dean Approval
- Provost Approval
- University President Approval
- USNH Board of Trustees Approval (Degree programs)
- Notifications of Approval
- Registrar Approval (processing)
Once a proposal has been fully reviewed and approved, the approved program will be removed from the appropriate Academic Catalog at the time of the indicated effective academic year.